The Weekly Reflektion 50/2021
Our intuition is an important factor in making sense of the world around us in particular how we interpret information and make decisions. Sometimes however our intuition fails us. Do you sometimes take shortcuts to reach a view on problems you are facing? A football match is 22 people running around after a ball with a 23rd person trying to ensure the […]
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The Weekly Reflektion Week 06/2021
Do you accept shortcuts and allow people to override safety systems to be able to take these shortcuts?
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The Weekly Reflektion Week 37 / 2020
We have recently had a lot of new subscribers to the Weekly Reflektion and it is good to hear that there is a growing interest in what we are trying to do. Richard Heyerdahl from Proactima is one of these and he sent us some experience from an investigation he was once asked to carry […]
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