

Reflekt has extensive experience with incident investigations and root cause analysis. Reflekt has developed methodology to determine why incidents occur and what can be done to prevent them. The methodology includes an assessment of the causes of incidents in relation to the typical causes of Major Accidents.

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Health Checks

Reflekt has developed a methodology for assessing the vulnerability of organizations to Major Accident. The methodology is based on extensive studies of actual Major Accidents and theoretical and practical insights into organisational behaviours.

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Workshops / Seminars

Reflekt have developed several seminars that we use to highlight key factors in the prevention of Major Accidents. The seminars use the learning from major accidents or similar events, and we have found these a good starting point for discussion and reflection. The seminars can be organized at our offices, your offices or through Teams or Zoom. 

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Every week we produce a newsletter, the weekly Reflektion. This contains some anecdotes, stories and examples that we hope will give some insights into Major Accident prevention. The Reflektions could be useful for team meetings, risk assessments, HAZOPs, HAZIDs etc. After all everyone likes a good story. You can subscribe to these on our web site.

The Reflektions have been compiled into books that can be purchased through the Shop function on our website.

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Reflekt AS