The Weekly Reflektion 22/2021
Risk Assessments are often held using a meeting format and sometimes the basis for the assessment is the assessment carried out last time. During the meeting mitigation measures are identified and included in the action plan. Some of the measures identified may appear sensible in the moment, but do they actually reduce the risk? Do […]
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The Weekly Reflektion Week 44 / 2020
One dilemma that is faced by companies with activities in different countries is how to resolve a situation where a risk may be acceptable in one country and not in another. This is particularly challenging with technical risk where the company may aspire to common standards in all countries. Are you susceptible to ‘what the […]
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The Weekly Reflektion Week 39 / 2020
Thanks to Steven Viddal for his input to this Reflektion and drawing our attention to a newspaper article by Ove Njaa a professor in societal safety at the University of Stavanger. We really appreciate any suggestions for themes or specific incidents that would be worthy of a Reflektion. The distinction between personal safety and process […]
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